Press Release

Product Launch: Usability and Functionality Offering Enhanced in New Product Release

August 1, 2018

Omada launches enhanced features of the Omada Identity product with the release of version 14, further boosting the security, compliance, and efficiency benefits of the software to provide both new and existing customers with greater functionality.

Omada Identity version 14 is now available, offering improved security, better compliance, and greater efficiency measures for organizations, as well as enhanced usability of the company’s respected and recognized identity governance and administration (IGA) solution.


Security measures are vital to combat today’s high external and internal cyber threats. The Omada solution enables organization to increase their security profile, and with version 14, the protection of employee and contractor data is further improved, and better data management enhances the security of record data.

While it is important for managers to change some of the information held about their direct reports or contractors they employ, it is relevant from a security or compliance perspective to prevent access to selected data fields. To make it easier to create new process templates for each scenario and limit access to certain fields, version 14 of the Omada Identity Suite introduces the concept of field-level security, giving the administrator more granular control over which employee/contractor fields can be updated by e.g. a manager.

Furthermore, the newly released product improves features related to initial password generation to improve and optimize security and allows various policies to be enforced per system and account type. The new product also improves self-service password change functionality to make it easier for users to change their password for their own accounts, which will reduce calls to the IT helpdesk.


In the GDPR era, compliance is more vital than ever before. Compliance requirements have increased across all sectors and industries and the stakes are higher than ever, both in terms of potential fines and the risk of loss of reputation, and potential loss of business partners.

New features such as eliminating multiple identities to enforce compliance, authoritative source policy, and managing existing assignments are all important compliance features in the new product.

In some instances, individuals may, due to the way they have joined and moved around the company, have multiple user identities, introducing potential compliance violations as the individual may not require the same access rights when they move to permanent employee status. The individual could also be registered in multiple authoritative sources, making it difficult to enforce policies such as segregation of duty.

The new version of the Omada Identity solves the challenge of multi-identities by allowing an employee to be easily converted from being a contractor to an employee and by making it possible to combine IDs from multiple HR sources. The joining of identities from multiple sources can be reviewed to ensure that different records are not combined by mistake.

Authoritative source policy enables organizations to use the most authoritative data, despite many organizations tracking employees and contractors in different systems. This ensures that the data held within the product is the most accurate and up-to-date which means policies can be enforced effectively.

Importing of data into OIS from legacy systems from legacy identity and access governance systems has been made easier as existing assignments can be preserved or revoked quickly without having manager or system owners validating them.


Increasing efficiency is a vital benefit of the Omada Identity, allowing organization to improve processes and save time across the business.

Omada Identity Suite is regarded as one of the most user-friendly products on the market by both customers, partners, and analysts. To further increase usability – and thereby also efficiency – improved email notification, identity ID generation, support for service desk personnel, user interface improvements, and improved data mapping have been introduced in the product.

The improved email update notification makes it easier to be automatically informed when certain actions have been carried out, as users can be sent an email alert when predefined events have occurred. This functionality is relevant for instance in cases such as notification of survey responses being received, access request notifications, notification of removal, and change of provisioning status notification.

To learn more about the Omada Identity version 14 contact Omada here.

About Omada

Since 2000 Omada has enabled organizations across the world to manage and control business processes around users’ access rights to systems and applications, helping customers to manage identity risks, protecting people and assets, as well as maximizing efficiency and achieving sustainable compliance. Customers select Omada because of our proven technology, flexible platform, and ability to execute.

The solution has multiple editions with different sets of functionalities and our customers are predominantly within banking and finance, life sciences, healthcare, public, telco, manufacturing, retail, and utilities.

Headquartered in Denmark, Omada has offices across Europe and North America.

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