Media Coverage

Cyber Security a Boardroom Matter for Financial Institutions Globally

February 3, 2018

The high cyber security threat is recognized by companies globally, and according to new data, the financial sector is especially anxious about the rising threat level and increasingly making cyber security a boardroom matter.

The Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Center this week published its annual CISO Cybersecurity Trends report, illustrating the rising threat level.

Board level awareness

The 2018 analysis illustrates that cyber security continues to be a top concern for financial institutions on a global basis and interestingly, notes that while cyber security used to be an IT department issue, it has now become a board room topic.

According to the study, quarterly reports to the board of directors are common, and it is clear that keeping the company leadership teams regularly updated on security risks and effective defenses is a top priority today.

Highly regulated industry

The finance sector is one of the most highly regulated industries, where being in compliance is highly necessary and today a license to operate. Being able to document compliance is just as important – for many of the legislations, it is the case that what is not documented, does not exist.

We work with many organizations in the financial sector globally, helping them ensure security, compliance, and efficiency. Read much more about our IGA solution and how we can support you in your identity and access management journey by contacting us here.

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