Migrate from Oracle IAM

Transform your legacy Identity Governance by migrating to Omada

Oracle Identity and Access Management End-of-Life

The gap between legacy IGA solutions and modern business needs increasingly highlights the need for transition. Legacy solutions such as Oracle Identity and Access Management (Oracle IAM) 11g do not scale well, often require custom code to integarte with SaaS applications, and do not offer full visibility into who has access to what data and for what reason. While upgarding to version 12 offers more capabilities, it means a major migration where you are faced with recoding application connectors and redeveloping customizations. This means continued high costs for maintenance and complex upgrades.

An alternative to your legacy solution is to invest in a reliable full-featured identity governance and administration solution that can be adapted to your existing IT environment. While moving to a new solution may seem daunting, Omada both simplifies and expedites the process. We bring 20+ years of experience and expertise in moving customers to Omada Identity Cloud.


Migrate from Oracle IAM to Omada

Omada provides a next-generation solution that includes built-in IGA best practices, out-of-the-box capabilities, and a proven implementation approach.

Quick time-to-value

We have created Omada Identity Cloud Accelerator Package, which allows us to transition your Oracle IdM to Omada Identity Cloud within 12 weeks.


Best practice framework

Our best practice framework, Omada IdentityPROCESS+, includes processes to accelerate deployment. Moreover, it helps build a strong foundation for your IGA program.


Enhanced security

We help customers improve security controls and compliance. Our centralized access control automatically compares access rights in their current state to their desired state, ensuring that identities are correctly provisioned.


Insights and full visibility

The Omada Compliance dashboard offers customers an easy way to monitor access rights and define mitigation processes. For example, starting certification campaigns when violations are detected.


Seamless SaaS integration

Customers can rapidly onboard their applications and cloud services thanks to the built-in data mapping configuration and support for industry-standard protocols like ODATA, SCIM, REST, and SOAP.

Instant upgrades

Upgrades of Omada Identity Cloud can be carried out instantly, unlike IdM, whose upgrades are time-consuming and complex. What’s more, customers can also control the timing of upgrades.

Replacing Oracle with Omada

Get details about the challenges of upgarding to Oracle version 12. Discover how we can transition you from IdM to Omada Identity Cloud within 12 weeks and help you future-proof your IGA program.

Migrate from Oracle IAM to Omada

Migrate from Oracle IAM and move forward with a full-featured modern IGA solution

Providing a unified approach to IGA requires solutions and platforms that can span a heterogeneous environment, understand the context, and enable automated control and governance. With Omada Identity Cloud customers get instant access to complete identity lifecycle management, access management for systems, applications and cloud resources. Furthermore, customers get policy and role management automation driven by analytics, out-of-the-box best practice workflows, comprehensive reporting, and closed-loop compliance.

Want to see how Omada can help you future proof your IGA program?

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