
PowerShell is a task automation and configuration management program from Microsoft, consisting of a command-line shell and the associated scripting language.



Connectivity between Omada and PowerShell enables organizations to:

  • Execute PowerShell script file containing functions


Supported Objects and Operations

ObjectPossible operations
UsersCreate, read, update, delete
Users passwordsCreate, update
GroupsCreate, read, update, delete
Group membershipsCreate, read, delete


The Omada Configurable Connectivty Framework offers:

  1. Template-driven connectivity for ease of implementation
  2. Flexible data model

  1. Adaptable and extensible data fields and attributes
  2. Choice of multiple authentication methods

A configurable connectivity approach provides an efficient, reliable and fast alternative that is better suited to the dynamic, hybrid IT environment where connectivity is a continuous activity. This connector for Omada and PowerShell can be leveraged using Omada’s configurable connectivity framework, which supports standard connectors for SCIM, REST, OData, LDAP, PowerShell, .CSV, .NET, SQL, and SOAP.


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