
Identity Lifecycle Management

Accelerate your IAM projects with a proven process framework

Identity and Role Lifecycle Management

Automated processes ensure that user identities are properly created, changed, and terminated when employees join the company, move departments, get promoted, or leave the company.

Core processes

  • Identity lifecycle management
  • Role lifecycle management
  • Flexible policy-based access control

Identity lifecycle management encompasses all the processes of an identity lifecycle from starting as an employee or contractor all the way through to termination of employment. This includes all the steps throughout the employee life including name changes, temporary maternity leaves, leaving and rejoining the organization, and more.

Role lifecycle management supports the creation, adaptation and termination of role definitions that provide additional access rights within specific policy-driven contexts. This could be when employees are part of a cross-functional project, are delegated responsibility for a short time period or are given additional responsibilities.

Automated processes ensure that access rights are assigned on a least-privilege basis according to business policies including control and constraint policies to avoid toxic combinations or rights, such as Segregation of Duties (SoD) policies.


Built-in Identity and Lifecycle Management Processes

Onboard Identity

The onboard identity process generates a new identity automatically when a new employee record is created in the master HR system. The identity will be assigned pre-defined access rights according to their position in the organization as well as their pre-defined roles.

Change Role

Employees often change roles, get promoted or move departments. This will typically require additional access rights and needs to be carefully managed so that existing rights are not lost and new rights terminate when the context of the role is no longer valid. Otherwise, employees can accumulate access rights that can become a security or compliance vulnerability.

Off-Board Identity

When an employee or contractor leaves the company, access to all business systems and applications needs to be terminated so they can no longer log into the company systems. The automation of the termination process ensures that access rights are revoked immediately ensuring security and compliance.

Key Benefits

  • Ensure employees always have the right access at the right time
  • Enforce compliant access by ensuring employees do not have access to systems or data which they should not have
  • Enforce the principle of ‘least-privilege’ at any point in time


Why Your Company Needs Identity Lifecycle Management

In the drive toward greater productivity and efficiency, companies must also be mindful that security does not get in the way. Access rights are a significant sticking point, which is where user lifecycle management software comes to the forefront.

Implementing a proper identity lifecycle management process delivers tangible business benefits for companies in all sectors.

Reduce Enterprise Risk

Legacy identity lifecycle management tools often come up short by failing to close the loop between compliance and defining the boundaries of what employees can access. There is either too much access granted, which reduces security, or too little, which stifles productivity.

Mitigate risk by defining the boundaries that govern what people can access. Identity lifecycle management, also sometimes referred to as IAM user lifecycle management, or IAM lifecycle management ensures users have access to the right resources for the right reasons. Companies can confidently run authentication campaigns, review access, and produce complete audit trails when coupled with other security tools.

Lower IT Burden

Access requests quickly clog up IT departments. With identity lifecycle management, the end user manages their access requests from their account.

Business users can make their own access requests while the IT administration team continues to control which requests users can make based on their roles and seniority, and then quickly review access to ensure productivity.

Lowering the burden on the IT department frees up resources to be utilized on more impactful projects.

Boost Efficiency

Automating the process of provisioning via identity lifecycle management permits businesses to grant, modify, and revoke based on where a user is within their lifecycle. Such technology allows for the creation of a platform that provides support and solutions for employees, contractors, consultants, and even associates.

Applying a full digital automation solution within the identity lifecycle positions companies to improve the efficiency within their teams, which ultimately translates to greater profits.

Automate Policy Management

Policies determine access management and are a hallmark of effective identity lifecycle management. Applying a strong policy engine to establish valuable controls ensures that companies remain compliant with internal and external regulations.

With security becoming such a priority for the modern enterprise, automated policy management offers the help needed to create policies that everyone can trust.

Mitigate Human Error

Humans are the weakest link in the chain with any service or system. Secure your systems inside and outside the cloud with identity lifecycle management.

Identity lifecycle management platforms lower the incidences of human error by eliminating them from the day-to-day processes.

Human error can also lead to data breaches, policy violations, user downtime, and more. The threats faced by improper access control systems can destroy any organization. Reduce exposure by investing in an identity lifecycle management system that embraces the latest technology.

Smash Operational Siloes

Managing vast selections of user identities, taking into account full-time employees and temporary team additions, comes with its share of complexities. Identity siloes within applications and environments can have a direct impact on workflow.

Maintaining and managing various permissions, licenses, accounts, and more often leads to an awkward manual IT task.

Identity lifecycle management breaks down operational siloes through automation and limits privileges to a limited number of administrators.

Frequently asked questions about identity and access management lifecycle

What is Identity Lifecycle Management?

Identity lifecycle management is the process of managing user identities and defining suitable access privileges for every member of an organization. It follows users from day one to their departure. Most modern solutions focus on automating and simplifying the process to phase out the difficult manual onboarding and offboarding process gradually.

What are the phases of an IAM lifecycle?

Numerous phases can be simplified or further segmented for clarification purposes. An employee’s journey begins with adding their unique digital identity to the system, including single sign-on and multi-factor authentication.

Users are assigned roles within the system that corresponds to the applications and systems they can access. Access is certified based on organizational policy. The business user is free to make limited access requests to vital resources as and when required.

If someone’s role changes, they will be assigned to another role, which will alter their access privileges. When that person departs from the organization, their access rights will be removed from the system to end the lifecycle.

How does identity and access management work?

IAM systems perform the three key tasks: identify, authenticate, and authorize. These three steps are the cornerstone of how these systems enhance security.

Successfully executing these three tasks ensures only the right people have access to the right resources at the right time.

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